My son the Rock Star!

Yesterday my eldest little guy had a football presentation where the Players of the year were given awards and the players of merit were awarded too. Now I knew that he had won player of the year but I didn’t tell him, just because he wouldn’t have slept for the week before hand!
He had bought some new clothes in H&M on Saturday so yesterday morning he was dying to wear his new outfit to the presentation! He got dressed and then came into my room to show me, Hoodie, Silver Surfer T-Shirt and SKINNY jeans….like Axel Rose skinny! He looked so grown up, but also so skinny! I couldn’t ask him to change, cos he was so excited to look like a teenager, but also in my mind was the thought of him in his skinny jeans in the photo’s of the awards!

So we went to the presentation, first kinda social thing we have done since separation, and it was grand, my son’s name was called out (last group to be done of course) and he went up to get his first ever football trophy, I was so proud of him, then watching him chatting away to his friends I realised I haven’t done too bad of a job bringing him up, he’s bright, sporty and popular! Oh and very handsome, even in the silly skinny jeans!

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