Snip Snip!

This is one of the images Goggle offers if you put “Tubal Ligation” into the search engine! Maybe someone will buy me one in the new year, I love the idea of “Reproductive Responsibility”, so anti everything my life has been about until now (ie. “sure what happens,happens!”).

My kids are going through a hard time at the moment, Christmas without their dad, and my daughters birthday, without her dad has been tough on them, the older boy is angry and surly and my daughter is just rebelling against everything and of course the baby is just being a baby. Now my ex is around a couple of evenings a week and for a full 24 hours at the weekend, which is great but if you compare that to 24/7 you can see how hard it is for them. It’s hard for me too, I am who all this anger and rebellion is directed at, because I am the one who is here I suppose, when he is here they are happy so he doesn’t have to deal with it so much. Next week I am away for 4 days and he will be here, maybe that will benefit him and the kids, having to deal with these issues without me?

But last night my daughter freaked out, wouldn’t sleep, screaming shouting, throwing things! It got so bad that at half ten I had to text my ex, asking him to call me, I needed to talk to someone, I felt like I was going crazy, he spoke to her and 20minutes later she was asleep. She woke again at half three and continued on where she had left off earlier, screaming and shouting, remember she shares a bedroom with her older brother and her younger brother was just a few feet away! So sitting there at four in the morning as she shouted how she didn’t want to sleep…etc, etc, I decided what my new years resolution would be, Tubal Ligation! I do not ever want to do this again, as I type this my baby is screaming for no reason, and the two older ones are bickering! I love my children but I am 35 in April and if I got pregnant again, no matter what the circumstances I couldn’t bear it, and as I don’t believe in termination I need to make a commitment to myself never to let myself get into this situation again!

So I have put a reminder in my phone for next week to call my GP and start the process, sure I’ll be waiting for months probably! But then it’ll be bye bye babies!

4 thoughts on “Snip Snip!

  1. Well, godspeed to you and your sterilisation cake!

    There is the matter in hand too, though. Homoeopathy has been a help and not much help with own my daughter’s behavioural issues, respectively. Not sure what else is good. Check out

    I suppose be happy she’s acting out, not in. It would be worse if she was sitting in her bedroom doing drugs and cutting herself – perhaps this healthy dispoplay of anger will mean that won’t happen later!

  2. Jo’s got a point there…at least she’s letting you know she’s upset.

    I shall raise a glass to you after your tubes are tied…best damn thing I ever did.

  3. I know, she is letting it out, but it’s just so difficult! 2008 will be better!

    My female friends are in little sub sections already, mummy friends, single friends, divorced/separated friends (we call ourselves the black widows) and soon you and I polka can be the dried up old crones!

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