Party On!

Well it’s the big day, baby’s baptism day. Sun is shining in the sky so hopefully this is a good sign! Bathed all the little people last night , the clothes are laid out, and now? Well today my nine year old is in a sulky mood. So I’ve told him he won’t be coming to the party if he keeps it up! He’s so moody, almost like split personality, there’s my little boy and then this bloody sulky yoke that I don’t know from Adam!

I’ve to go to collect the cake now, my dad was 60 during the week so the cake is a birthday one for him, never really understood the reason for “christening cake”, baby isn’t gonna eat any and the mum is probably avoiding all cake (in public at least) trying to shed the jelly belly! Speaking of my jelly belly, while watching Dr Who last night with the family (very scary, actually screamed and jumped when the statue moved). My daughter wobbled my jelly belly and said, “your tummy is so wobbly mummy, look!” I was upset, asked her not to wobble the tummy but then I thought of something, well two things really, the first being that I do have a big wobbly belly and she was just commenting on reality and the second being my attitude to my body (tummy in particular at the moment). I do say negative things about my self, grabbing handfuls of flab and complaining about it. What is this gonna do for my daughters perception of her body?

So today I’m wearing my corset under my dress (otherwise I’d wind up wearing something I don’t really want to just to cover everything up) and I’ll try not to complain about my bingo wings!

The weather is lovely today, obviously God is pleased, just hope i don’t burst into flames when i go into the church! Yesterday my husband said we’d have to mime when the priest asks us do we reject Satan, seeing as we are such huge fans of Satan’s accessories, booze, sex and rock and roll!