Goodbye Kitty!

If you like or don’t like Hello Kitty check out, our friends had a card with a dead Hello Kitty on it, our three year old who loves Hello Kitty was taken with it, not noticing the blood dripping down between her eyes!

It’s an American company who do alternative T-Shirts, great for getting people to do a double take!

Fabric Porn!

Seriously this is fabric porn! It’s like patchwork but it’s sexy…well actually I don’t know if it’s sexy, it doesn’t ring my bell…it’s kind like the porn those characters in the fabric conditioner ads would enjoy!

As for me, and why I’m posting it on my blog, well I tried the lilac, flashing lights, moaning sex toy and I have to post a retraction (oohh mrs!). The mad Japanese sex toy is, without a doubt the best sex toy I have even used! Rearrange these three words, orgasm, spot,G! In fact A to Z really. Now I’m not being vulgar, or trying to embarrass myself or anyone else, but it was fucking fantastic! Yes it’s still gaudy, it would help if it was less, well Japanese, and no, I didn’t have the audio on, but it was quite simply the best I’ve ever used (which is quite a few).

What could be nicer on a cold June evening, when all the weenies are in bed than a little bit of DIY? And if there is a power cut it makes a funky torch!