Pilates for Klutzs!

Ok, so a friend of mine has problems with her back and she has been told to begin Pilate’s classes, so seeing as I have started exercising recently so she asked me to go with her! I had to tell her the truth….the terrible truth about me and Pilate’s!

So before I was a mum of three and a “stay at home” I had a job (and a life) I was working in a construction insurance company, so give me a call if you decide to build a couple of houses, while there we had subsidised exercise classes, i decided to sign up for the pilates classes, apparently any shape or size can do it!

Well apparently any shape or size can do it but not me! My klutzism is legendary! So with some serious arm twisting I decided to go! I got my runners and my leggings and top, I was thinking beautiful thoughts! Then the lovely girl giving the class asked us to take off our shoes and socks…….NO NO NO! I have a huge problem with feet, mine or anyone elses! So that threw me.

Then the class started, telling us to do very specific moves, involving left and right, I was dead in the water! I don’t know the difference between left and right! So lovely Blondie, possibly Australian or new Zealander, helped us out…in particular, helping me pull in my tummy, push out my butt! I was mortified, singled out in a room of 12 women. So I managed to pull it in and stick it out while standing on one leg.

Then she said swing out your right arm…….and I did….and it came into contact with my neighbours face. (“Your other right arm Midge!”)..while her hand came into contact with my chest…serves me right for standing next to someone shorter than me! And before you ask, yes I hurt her!!! So I am probably banned from Pilate’s classes for life!

6 thoughts on “Pilates for Klutzs!

  1. It’s funny, I went to my first ever yoga class a couple of weeks ago and had the exact same problems. My fella is trying to get spiritual so I was dragged along only to be unable to do most the poses and be singled out in a class of 8 for each one 😦

    I’m never going back, aerobic workouts are the way forward for me!

  2. Ah now. We have a laugh. We leave space between ourselves when we have to stretch our arms out. Not being able to do stuff initially is certainly frustrating but it’s rewarding to realise you have actually strengthened and learned to do it.

    And it’s so nice not to wee myself when I sneeze anymore…

  3. Shame funny story though, please dont give up sometimes it does take a bit longer for some, my ex was not much good and with a few lessons now is fantastic and i think is going to become an instructor with the correct trainning. If you can check out this website and let me know what you think http://www.thepilatesmagiccircle.com

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