Drink, Arse, Girls!

What’s your favourite curse word, what do you say when someone cuts you off in traffic, or when you drop your favorite mug (around that time of the month). I have a nine year old, a three year old and a two month old, so my curse words have to be by their very nature child friendly, having said that I do often have my moments, one particularly bad day when I was pregnant I was having an awful day and someone nearly drove into the side of my car, two kids in the car, me nine months pregnant, I lost my temper and shouted out the “c” word, I hate that word, I really do, but I said it, and my little girl said whats a “c” mommy?

So generally I try to stick to none specific words, Spongebob Squarepants has provided a few, barnacle head and tartar sauce being two of the best. My little princess is fond of Boobie head! Her favorite word tough is the “F” word, yes, that “F” word not the one loved by Fr Jack but the other one, she uses it in the same way her daddy does, it’s the seasoning on her conversation! We try to ignore her as all the books say we should, but it’s difficult, Sometimes I want to laugh out loud and other times I want to strangle her!!

My son who is nine has never cursed, he’s quite a prude actually, one night he was watching his favorite football team play and lose, he was nearly crying and he turned to me and said, “Mum, can I say the “F” word?” I tried not to laugh and said no, then i left the room and went upstairs to laugh! I hope he is always as respectful towards me, it’s doubtful though!

7 thoughts on “Drink, Arse, Girls!

  1. My husband and I are so irresponsible -recently he’s going through suCh a ‘potty mouth’ patch, and dspite my equally bad language I think the effect of men cursing is just much stronger, more vehement – bit deep voices etc.

    I showeed my daughter her party photos, and in one of the candle blowing ones she’s striking her forehead with her hand – I laughed at this and she solemnly informed me ‘I am hitting my head ‘for fuck’.

    Yikes! When I asked her not to say it she announced ‘Daddy says ‘Fucken Hell’ – and indeed he does!

    I also heard her sitting o hte potty one say and saying ‘Oh fuck, I did a little pee in my knickers’. At this stage I’ve actually apologised in advance at her Montessori, though she does seem to get the idea that you don’t say it in public – dont’ get me wrong, I giggle at all this like a kiddie, but I am appalled at myself adn my lack of restraint – I don’t think people should cure at(ever) or even around their children. It’s a kind of violence, really – but I come from a family with a verbally violent father whose language could be really quite disgusting, and it’s definitely in my learned behaviour to let off steam with foul language. It’s hard to let go those patterns in times of stress.

    I read a lovely book about bereavement and baking, can’t remember the title right noe, but in it a single mother amusignly collects non-expletive F words, such as ‘Fork!’ or ‘Fritters!’ or Frogs!’ or whatever. I think I need to use those more.

    Spongebob is defeinitely a good role model – perhaps i more ways than one.

    I meant to post about this myself – you’ve robbed me! But here it is anyway, I suppose….

  2. Ours has just started the “fuck” stage, thanks so much to school mates! Tho some of them think we’re a bit strange, cause I don’t like using “hate” to describe things (“can we find a better word, or a nicer way to put it?”). I’ve also taught the older son that GWB is a “bad man.” 😀 My mom loves that.

    I’m the potty mouth tho, but hubs does use curses when driving. At least here it’s understandable, it’s impossible to get away from curses! When we head back home for hols, PHEW, the looks you get. I do say Feck tho, cause i love it.

    I have a friend who was in the Actor’s Studio program, of which “Inside The Actor’s Studio” was a required class. In that show, they have a questionnaire to ask the guest. My favorite question so far is “What’s your favorite curse word?”. The women’s curses out-potty mouth the mens 2 to 1. It’s great! I need to make my friend promise when she gets big and famous and gets put up on that stage, that she has to say that Fecking Gobshite is her favorite curse, as in the US, it’s allowed on the airwaves, cause they don’t know what it means!! 😀

    FUCK the FCC. Er…yeah.

  3. Jo, she has learnt the most important lesson, self censorship! everyone curses, at least she won’t do it in public. Ash, you are lucky, your daughter sounds so sweet. Polka, I think they shouldn’t say hate….but theyu really don’t understand what it means, good that he hates GWB….excellent!

  4. I say Shit-arse when something goes wrong! I don’t curse around the kids because I’m too busy censoring The Husband. By the time I meet the girlfriends all those curse words I’ve saved up rise to the top, spilling out and the ‘fucking fuckers’ fly!!!

  5. I said the “C” word again in the car on Saturday, we live in a Cul-de-Sac and there is a yellow box outside it on the main road cos it’s so difficult to get out, I was turning right, traffic had stoped for the lights so I drove onto the box, and (suprisingly quickly) someone coming the other way flashed their lights to signal me to go, just as I started to drive out the guy stopped on the far side of the box started beeping his horn and flashing his lights and pointing at the box….because the traffic on the farside of the box had started to move, so i said the “c” word and gave him the finger. He was ancient, and why are people in such a hurry, at nine on a Saturday morning, was he going to woodies or somewhere!
    Fucking Fuckers is a good one keynoter….might add that to the rota, I also hate the kids saying stupid!

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